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Photo credit: Ocean Biology Processing Group at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Our Mission is the Celebration & Promotion of Metroid Music

We love the Metroid franchise here at MREO (Metroid Reochestrated), especially the music of those wonderful games. On this page you will find:

  1. Orchestral arrangements of Metroid music our team members made back in the day for release on the MREO website
  2. Covers of Metroid music published by our team members on the major music storefronts
  3. Metroid music we recommend
  4. A list of our staff and their roles
  5. A history of MREO organized as a timeline
  6. Frequently asked questions


Metroid Music We Made

Metroid Music Published by our Team Members

Song Artist Game Links
Staff Credits/Finale Will Pisani Metroid: Zero Mission
Fully Powered Suit Will Pisani Metroid: Zero Mission
Upper Brinstar Will Pisani Super Metroid
Ending Theme Will Pisani Super Metroid
Phendrana Drifts Will Pisani Metroid Prime
Title Theme Will Pisani Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Title Theme Will Pisani Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Metroid Music We Recommend

Metroid Cinematica by Sam Dillard

Links: Spotify, Google Play, iTunes/Apple Music, Amazon

Will's Review

It is without a doubt the best Metroid album I have ever heard!! The instruments are so realistic I don’t think a professional orchestra could do a better job. The soundscapes of the arrangements absolutely ooze Metroid. While listening through the album, I was constantly recalling memories of each game. The quality of this album is where I envisioned Metroid Reorchestrated going. The goal of MREO is to transform the amazing songs of the Metroid franchise into orchestral masterpieces. Sam Dillard has achieved that goal; each and every song in "Metroid Cinematica" is an orchestral masterpiece.

Harmony of a Hunter

Super Metroid: Relics of the Chozo

Super Metroid ~Reserve Tank: VARIAtions~

Crystal Flash EP by Theophany

Harmony of Heroes

If this isn't enough Metroid music for you (it probably isn't since you likely love Metroid music as much as we do), then check out this Spotify playlist (currently at 609 songs for a total of 35 hours and 16 minutes of Metroid music) as well as OverClocked ReMix. OC ReMix has more than 100 free remixes of Metroid music and more are added every year.

Our Staff

Name/Alias Role(s)
Matt/Gamemaster1379 Webmaster, Founder
Eric/Zervic119 Website Assistance, Finances Manager, Founder
Will/Light_of_Aether Senior Project Manager, Web Design, Graphics, Musical Team - Lead Reorchestrator
Tom/DigitalGhost Musical Team - Reorchestrator
Stephen Musical Team - Reorchestrator
Beacon515L Musical Team - Reorchestrator
Nutritious Musical Team - Reorchestrator
Skotein Musical Team - Reorchestrator
prophetic music Musical Team - Reorchestrator
CloudyStrifee Musical Team - Renderer
Nyte Hisagi Musical Team - Advisor
Draconic Musical Team - Advisor
Luigifreak101 Web Design
Chris/ccbtimewiz Web Design
Nicolae/Adam Malkovich Web Design
The_Professor Graphics Team
Potestas Graphics Team

Our History

MREO (Metroid Reorchestrated) was based off of ZREO (Zelda Reorchestrated), and would never have been possible without their constant, and exceedingly friendly, support. We would not be here today without their continued support. Thank you for everything, ZREO.

MREO’s original goal was similar to that of ZREO: take the music from the Metroid series, renowned for it’s amazing music, and transform these amazing songs into orchestral masterpieces.

The MREO project teaser trailer made by Pelord.


For more details on our history, please check out the timeline below.


Matt and Eric, friends and administrators at the NSider2 Forums, assembled and led a talented team to design and launch the MREO website as well as produce orchestral arrangements of Metroid music.
No. of songs released: 10


After an eight month hiatus (unforeseen difficulties), Will revived MREO in September 2010 and led the musical team as Lead Reorchestrator.
No. of songs released: 6


The quality of the monthly updates improved significantly with the usage of EastWest Quantum Leap's Symphonic Orchestra. MREO celebrated the 25th anniversary of Metroid.
No. of songs released: 11


DigitalGhost and Stephen joined the musical team.
No. of songs released: 8


Will gave a behind-the-scenes look at his reorchestration process.
No. of songs released: 3


Will published his first licensed Metroid covers ("Fully Powered Suit" from Metroid: Zero Mission, "Phendrana Drifts" from Metroid Prime, and "Title Theme" from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes) as part of his album of licensed video game music called Aural Nostalgia Vol 1. Links to the album: iTunes/Apple Music, Google Play, Spotify.

Sam Dillard (not part of MREO) released a Metroid album of orchestral masterpieces called "Metroid Cinematica", essentially fulfilling MREO's original purpose (yes, Sam's album is that good).


During this time, Will worked on and completed a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at Michigan Technological University. Unfortunately, the rigor of the degree and associated research resulted in MREO going dark for the duration of his Ph.D.


MREO emerges from the end of time with a new mission and a redesigned website.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why did your mission change?
  2. There are two reasons for the mission change:

    1. It's quite difficult to keep a purely volunteer-driven music project going. Most of the MREO team joined as young adults in high school and/or college (a moment in life when spare time is usually more plentiful). As is the case with life, our priorities shifted as we grew older due to more demanding jobs, marriage, and children. A regular release cycle is no longer possible.
    2. The advent of music licensing services such as Loudr, Soundrop, and Materia Collective has made it simple and relatively affordable to release licensed video game music covers and arrangements. When ZREO (2004) and MREO (2009) were founded, releasing licensed video game music covers on the major storefronts was unheard of (and so ZREO and MREO released their covers for free on their websites). Now, it's possible to find thousands of licensed video game music covers and arrangements on Spotify, Apple Music, etc. With the ease of licensing, the right thing to do is to license video game music covers and arrangements because then both the companies and composers and the cover artist are compensated for their respective work.
    With these two reasons in mind, rather than shutdown MREO, we decided to change our mission from making Metroid music to celebrating and promoting Metroid music.

  3. So you're not making music anymore?
  4. For the foreseeable future, we will no longer be making music for release on MREO. However, members of our staff may publish Metroid music independently of MREO in the future (their releases will be added to this page).

  5. Wow! The new website looks awesome! How did you make it?
  6. Thanks! We used the free parallax template from W3 Schools as a base and modified it from there. The W3.css framework (also made by W3 Schools) is the key building block of our website. Git is used to version control the website.

  7. Is your website light/dark mode aware?
  8. Yes, it is! Change your device's appearance mode and then refresh the web page. Light mode colors include fusion suit blue, gravity suit purple, and varia suit orange. Dark mode colors include phazon suit black, light suit yellow, fusion suit blue, and varia suit orange.

  9. How do I download your songs?
  10. To download our songs on laptop or desktop, right-click on the title then left-click "Save link as ...". To download all songs from a game, click/tap on the game image. Unfortunately, we don't yet have a good way for mobile users to download our songs individually. If you don't have access to a Windows/Mac/Linux laptop or desktop, we recommend downloading all of the songs via the game images, using a third-party app to unzip the zip file, and then deleting the songs you don't want to keep (which is none of them, right?).

  11. How can we contact you?
  12. You may send us an email at mreomusicteam (at) gmail.com or check us out on Facebook.

  13. What's up with the Triforce at the bottom of the page?
  14. Have you tried clicking/tapping it?